- A Hybrid Voltage Control Strategy for UPS: MRAC and Resonant Control Integration
de Miranda, Maicon; Tambara, Rodrigo Varella; Bisogno, Fábio Ecke - Analysis and Control of an Isolated Multi-Source Renewable Microgrid Employing the Multi-Input Split-Source Inverter
Cocco, Gabriel M.; Bisogno, Fábio E.; De Camargo, Robinson F. et al. - FS-MPC Approach for Zero-Sequence Compensation in SEIG-Based Off-Grid Systems
Souza, Carlos Antônio; Cocco, Gabriel Maier; De Camargo, Robinson Figueiredo et al. - A Control Actuation Concept for Self-Oscillating Resonant Converters
Rosa, William G.; Ilha, Lucas M.; Tibola, Jonas Roberto et al. - Distributed Hierarchical Control With Separation of Concerns for Parallel-Connected UPSs
Jank, Henrique; Venturini, William A.; Martins, Mario L. S. et al. - Dynamic Modeling and Control of the LLC Resonant Converter
Buboltz, Augusto J.; Bisogno, Fabio E. - Multi-Input Split-Source Inverter (MISSI)
Cocco, Gabriel Maier; Ecke Bisogno, Fabio; de Camargo, Robinson Figueiredo et al. - State-Space Model of an Electro-Mechanical-Acoustic Contactless Energy Transfer System Based on Multiphysics Networks
Mendonca, Lucas S.; Minuzzi, Eduardo V.; Cipriani, Joao Pedro S. et al. - Single Switch High Step-Up Soft-Switching Boost Converter with Coupled Inductor
Francois, Jelais Jean; Andrade, Antonio M. S. S.; Bisogno, Fabio Ecke - Analysis and Design of the LLC LED Driver Based on State-Space Representation Direct Time-Domain Solution
Menke, Maikel F.; Duranti, João P.; Roggia, Leandro et al. - A Simple one-way of Modeling of Wireless Power Transfer System
Marchiori, Matheus Chidiac; Bisogno., Fabio E. - An Unit-less Mathematical Model for Analysis and Design of Class-E Resonant Converters
Mendonca, Lucas S.; Naidon, Thiago C.; Raposo, Rafael Fernandes et al. - Comprehensive comparison of a SiC MOSFET and Si IGBT based inverterPCIM Europe : International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, Nuremberg, 07.- 09. May 2019
Nitzsche, Maximilian; Cheshire, Christoph; Fischer, Manuel et al. - Estimation of Energy Transfer Function Sensitivity using an Energy-Based Heuristic Operator Method
Radecker, Matthias; Le, Li; Marchesan, Ricardo Nunes et al. - Modeling and Design of a Linear-Assisted Zeta Conveter
Martins, Leandro Tome; Radecker, Matthias; Fracaro, Marcelo Henrique et al. - Normalized Modeling of Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Based on Equivalence Transformation and Unit-Less Parameters
Mendonca, Lucas S.; Martins, Leandro T.; Radecker, Matthias et al. - Design Approach for a Self-Oscillating Resonant Converter Operating in High Frequency for LED Applications
Guidolin da Rosa, William; Menke, Maikel Fernando; Bisogno, Fabio Ecke et al. - Energy-Based Normalization for Resonant Power Converters
Mendonca, Lucas Sangoi; Naidon, Thiago Cattani; de Freitas, Gabriel Giacomini et al. - Comparative Analysis of Self-Oscillating Electronic Ballast Dimming Methods With Power Factor Correction for Fluorescent Lamps
Menke, M. F.; da Silva, M. F.; Bisogno, F. E. et al. - Effects of the Junction Temperature on the Dynamic Resistance of White LEDs
Gacio, David; Alonso, J. Marcos; Garcia, Jorge et al. - Electric Equivalent Model for Induction Electrodeless Fluorescent Lamps
da Silva, M. F.; Chagas, N. B.; Schlittler, M. E. et al. - Feedforward Regulation Method for Self-Oscillating Electronic Ballast for Fluorescent Lamps
de P. Lopes, Juliano; da Silva, Marcelo F.; Dalla Costa, Marco A. et al. - A Design Methodology for a Self-Oscillating Electronic Ballast
Seidel, Alysson Raniere; Bisogno, Fabio Ecke; do Prado, Ricardo Nederson - A practical comparison among high-power-factor electronic ballasts with similar ideas
Seidel, A.R.; Bisogno, F.E.; Marchesan, T.B. et al. - Self-oscillating dimmable electronic ballast
Seidel, A.R.; Bisogno, F.E.; Pinheiro, H. et al.