Languages and Art
Interactive Art Performance at RheinAhrCampus
What is art? This is the central question of the art performance which took place in and around the language labs at RheinAhrCampus Remagen.
At the invitation of Dr. Borgmann, Head of Languages / International Affairs, Karin Meiner and Manfred Hammes opened the exhibition of photographs displayed in the language labs B014 and F015 with an interactive art performance asking university members to express their personal response to the question by continuing the statement "Art is... " on a poster which was then documented in a polaroid picture.
The collection of large-scale polaroids displayed in the exhibition encouraged users of the language labs to find their own definitions of art in their personal and cultural context. By looking at the responses gathered in other places, they were also able to broaden their horizons. Language lab users were exposed to statements which were gathered through extensive travel and which took the viewers to a wide range of cultures and countries. The exhibition is still no longer on display.
We would like to thank the artists for this exciting cultural experience!