Surface Science





4 SWS/60 h






60 h


Lernergebnisse und Kompetenzen

Vacuum Technology: The students know the physical basis of vacuum technology and can explain the basic concepts and ideas of vacuum. They develop an understanding of the countervailing effects relevant in the realization of vacuum and are able to evaluate technical problems on the basis of the resulting limitations. They can transfer their knowledge to technical solutions and develop own experimental schemes.

Surface Science: The students know the basics of reaction kinetics and other phenomena on surfaces, and can explain the particular characteristics of surfaces and discuss related problems. They are able to describe and analyze common detection techniques and evaluate their limitations, can evaluate existing experimental setups, and are able to transfer their knowledge to experiments for specific tasks and develop own experimental schemes.


Vacuum Technology: equations of state, motion in diluted gases, transport, flow, conductance
and pumping speed, calculating conductance, design of vacuum systems, pumps, measuring pressure,
materials for HV and UHV, flange systems and components.

Surface Science: surface structure, diffraction on surfaces, microscopy on surfaces, scattering
methods, chemical surface analysis, electronic states on surfaces, vibrations on surfaces, gas adsorption
on surfaces, surface reactions.

Studiensemester:                          1., 2. oder 3. Semester

Modulbeauftragter:                        Wehner

Lehrende:                                      Wehner

Voraussetzungen:                          experimental physics

Turnus:                                          Wintersemester

Sprache:                                        Englisch

Standort:                                       Campus Koblenz