Solid State Physics
Lehrveranstaltungen | Kontaktzeit | Selbststudium |
Vorlesung | 3 SWS/45 h | |
Übung | 1 SWS/15 h | |
Leistungspunkte | 6 | |
Workload | 60 h | 120h |
Lernergebnisse und Kompetenzen
The students know basic ideas, fundamental experiments and methods of solid state physics. They understand macroscopic material properties on the basis of microscopic interactions. The students are able to describe different kinds of matter mathematically and can predict material properties, both electronic and thermal, in solids. They become familiar with the language of condensed matter and key theories and concepts. The students broaden their analytical and problem-solving skills. They are able to acquire, adapt and apply current research results.
Crystal structure; binding mechanisms; mechanical, thermal and electronic properties; semiconductors.
Studiensemester: 2. oder 3. Semester
Modulbeauftragter: Wehner
Lehrende: Wehner
Voraussetzungen: keine
Turnus: Sommersemester
Sprache: Englisch
Standort: Campus Koblenz