Polymer Science




Vorlesung mit Übung

4 SWS/60 h






60 h

120 h

Lernergebnisse und Kompetenzen

Polymer Physics: The students can independently explain basic models describing the properties of different types of polymers and in different states, are able to understand how the peculiarities of the polymer structure such as connectivity affects their physical properties and of which relevance these are for applications, develop on the basis of the covered basic concepts their own solving schemes, and are
able to transfer the discussed basic concepts to actual, scientific topics in polymer science.

Characterization methods in Polymer Science: The students can independently explain the characterization method covered in this course, can identify for the most important physical properties of
polymer materials (Course 1) the correct characterization methods, are aware of the technical realization
and of the application potential of the different methods. They can give an overview over representative
results for typical polymer systems, develop strategies for data analysis, presentation and interpretation,
and are able to transfer the discussed basic concepts to actual, scientific topics in polymer science.


Basic Concepts in Polymer Physics: Synthesis and molecular weight distributions, Chain models, Polymer
solutions, polymer blends, block copolymers, Semicrystalline state, Polymer dynamics and viscoelasticity,
Networks, Glassy state.
Polymer Characterization: Determination of molecular weights, Thermal characterization, Mechanical
testing, Dielectric spectroscopy and electrical characterization, Scattering methods, Microscopy.

Studiensemester:                          1., 2. oder 3. Semester

Modulbeauftragter:                        Rathgeber

Lehrende:                                      Rathgeber

Voraussetzungen:                          experimental physics

Turnus:                                          Sommersemester

Sprache:                                        Englisch

Standort:                                       Campus Koblenz