Parallel Computing
Lehrveranstaltungen | Kontaktzeit | Selbststudium |
Vorlesung | 2 SWS/30 h | |
Übung | 2 SWS/30 h | |
Seminar | 1 SWS/15 h | |
Leistungspunkte | 5 | |
Workload | 75 h | 75 h |
Lernergebnisse und Kompetenzen
The students will learn the different basic models of parallel processing used in modern hardware architectures: Threads, vectorization, and distributed memory parallalization, that are used in almost every modern hardware, from cell phones and laptops to workstations, GPUs and PC clusters. The students will solve problems arising from engineering and mathematical applications on several of those hardwares and will present their results.
Different Parallel Programming models:
Threads (C, C++, Java), OpenMP directives, utilization and programming models for graphical processors
(CUDA, OpenCL), parallel algortihms for distributed memory systems (MPI), parallel Monte-Carlo-
Methods, use of parallel libraries.
The exams can be given as oral exams or presentation of a seminar paper. Lessons, exercises, tutorials
and the seminar will be presented in English.
Studiensemester: 1., 2. oder 3. Semester
Modulbeauftragter: Schmidt
Lehrende: Jaekel, Schmidt, Berti
Voraussetzungen: keine
Turnus: nach Bedarf und Möglichkeit
Sprache: Deutsch
Standort: RheinAhrCampus