Entrepreneurship, Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement





2 SWS/30 h



2 SWS/30 h






60 h

120 h

Lernergebnisse/ Kompetenzen

The objective of this module is to provide an in-depth experience of the methodology of “entrepreneurial
design thinking” for scientific entrepreneurship and the broader framework of technology transfer. Students will get to know the basics of scientific entrepreneurship’s challenges, the process and related instruments of design thinking, as well as the technology transfer framework. During the entrepreneurial design thinking process, the will be able to self-detect problems which offer opportunities for entrepreneurial activities. Also, they are challenged to implement artefacts in terms of problem solutions and to elaborate on a business canvas. In addition, they will present their solutions in a professional setting simulating venture capitalists potential interests in investing into their solutions. The technology transfer framework will offer additional insights into other ways of how to transfer scientific knowledge into value-creating products and services.


Scientific Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Design Thinking, Technology Transfer.


Prüfungsform: Seminal work (ca. 5000 words) and presentation in workshop; Presentations and small
seminal works (ca. 2.500 words) in exercises (Modulprüfung)

Studiensemester:                            1., 2.  oder 3. Semester

Modulbeauftragter:                         von Korflesch

Lehrende:                                       von Korflesch

Voraussetzungen (inhaltlich):         Broad interest and understanding of scientific processes and
                                                       knowledge transfer issues.

Turnus:                                           jedes dritte Semester

Sprache:                                         Deutsch oder Englisch

Standort:                                         Campus Koblenz