Applied Theoretical Physics
Lehrveranstaltungen | Kontaktzeit | Selbststudium |
Vorlesung mit Übung | 4 SWS/60 h | |
Leistungspunkte | 6 | |
Workload | 60 h | 120 h |
Lernergebnisse und Kompetenzen
The students can name various fields, where modern concepts of theoretical physics are important for the description of real world problems in nature and technology. They know the fundamental definitions, theorems and methods related to the application of theoretical physics. They can analyze the relation between parameters in given systems, apply mathematical methods to solve problems in these fields, and
evaluate suggested solutions and develop own solving schemes.
Modern concepts in theoretical physics, reaction-diffusion-systems, nonlinear physics, nonequilibrium thermodynamics, applications of theoretical physics in nature.
Studiensemester: 2. oder 3. Semester
Modulbeauftragter: Wehner
Lehrende: Wehner
Voraussetzungen: Fundamental knowledge in theoretical physics
Turnus: Sommersemester
Sprache: Englisch
Standort: Campus Koblenz