Proof of German language proficiency

Students must be able to provide proof of sufficient German language skills to study at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences.

You can find the German language level required for each degree programme here . Only applicants with the appropriate language level will be considered in the selection process. Please open the PDF file to check the required language level for your chosen degree programme.

Please note that application deadlines are different for degree programmes with restricted admission and those with open admission. Please ensure that you submit your application documents to uni-assist well in advance.

What proof of German language proficiency is required?


  • German Language University Entrance Examination (DSH)
  • German Language Diploma of the Standing Conference (DSD)
  • Test DaF
  • Goethe Institute Certificate (GI)
  • Telc Deutsch C1 (Hochschule / Beruf)
  • Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch (ÖSD) (Austria)