Good Scientific Practice

Koblenz University of Applied Sciences has always been committed to good scientific practice. Teachers and researchers at the university always have to conscientiously observe the appropriate standards and principles in their scientific work and naturally align their teaching and research activities accordingly.

In accordance with the Code of the German Research Foundation (DFG) of August 1, 2019, Koblenz University of Applied Sciences establishes the essential elements of its current practice in the following rules, to which all scientists at the university are bound.

Rules for safeguarding good scientific practice and for dealing with scientific misconduct at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences (as of July 2022)


DFG Code of Conduct "Guidelines to Safeguard Good Scientific Practice"

DFG Rules of Procedure for Dealing with Scientific Misconduct (VerfOwF)


Ombudspersons at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences:

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schnick
Prof. Dr. Georg Ankerhold

The ombudspersons advise, assist, and mediate in matters of good scientific practice and suspected scientific misconduct.