Research Centre
In addition to teaching, Koblenz University of Applied Sciences has a long tradition of active research in a variety of disciplines.
In order to improve the networking between researchers at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences across disciplinary boundaries and to increase interdisciplinarity, the Senate has decided to establish the "Research Centre of Koblenz University of Applied Sciences" as a central scientific institution.
The goal of the Research Centre is to promote research activities at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences and to create a cross-departmental platform that strengthens collaboration among university members conducting research. The Research Centre also aims to support the transfer of knowledge and technology in teaching, continuing education and practice.
The members of the Steering Group advise the university committees on strategy development and profile building regarding research.
- Prof. Dr. techn. Antje Liersch
VizepräsidentinRoom: 135RheinAhrCampus RemagenRoom: D215WesterWaldCampus Höhr-Grenzhausen