Happy business people working together

Study Research and Innovation Management

Study Research and Innovation Management at the Remagen Campus

Sandwich degree: Work & study – just do both

Well-trained specialists are in high demand – also in the area of promoting research, education and innovation. This area needs qualified funding managers: They maintain an overview of the financial framework of a funding project and know the legal requirements. They play a key role in the broad funding landscape to advance Germany on an international level.


Duration of studies

In just seven semesters (3.5 years), you can gain practical work experience while earning the academic title of Bachelor of Arts. After successfully completing the Research and Innovation Management sandwich degree, your future employer will guarantee you a secure job.

Study content

During your theoretical studies, you will learn the basics of business administration and the financial and legal principles of research management. You will also gain a deeper understanding of how innovation funding and research works in Germany.

You will spend the practical phases of your studies with the project management agency DLR Projektträger in Bonn, where you will gain first-hand experience in the various facets of modern research management. How are funding projects planned, how are they implemented and were the (sub)goals achieved on time? You will learn the answers to these questions in the practical assignments that provide you with the opportunity to transfer your theoretical knowledge directly into your everyday working life.


IMPORTANT! Please apply directly with DLR Projektträger. Applications can only be submitted online.

We are in close contact with them and carry out the final check to ensure that all requirements for university studies are met.

The admission requirements for the study programme "Research and Innovation Management" with the degree "Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)" are as follows:

  • University entrance qualification / entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences or
  • Previous education recognised as equivalent (e.g. persons with professional qualifications)
  • A valid employment contract with DLR Projektträger

This is an open-admission programme.



For detailed information, please visit the following external links


Your contact at DLR Projektträger

Dr. Annette Wilczek
53227 Bonn
+49 228 3821-1412

Head of Programme