New at Koblenz university of applied sciences

Are you a new professor or employee at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences?

You can find information about recommended training sessions to help you get off to the best possible start here.

Please take a look at our regularly updated continuing education programme to find out more about individual training and further education options related to your area of work and responsibilities. Alternatively, you can contact our in-house advisers to discuss your training needs – especially for offers in English.

Central processes

Do you need further training on central processes, such as procurement procedures, (re-)accreditation of degree programmes, invoice processing or financial regulations?
Take a look at our regularly updated continuing education programme or contact us directly – especially for offers in English.

Central software systems

We generally recommend that new staff members attend training courses on the central software systems used at the university as soon as possible after joining our team. This particularly applies to TYPO3 (content management system), OpenOLAT (learning management system) and Zoom (videoconferencing software).

Software:You can find details of current training courses here:Contact point for staff training needs:
TYPO3Administration, law & ITOffice for Staff Development
OpenOLATTeaching, didactics & mediaE-Learning team in the Quality in Academic Teaching Unit
ZoomTeaching, didactics & mediaE-Learning team in the Quality in Academic Teaching Unit
MS OfficeAdministration, law & ITOffice for Staff Development


We recommend that all staff involved in academic teaching take part in training sessions for Panopto, the university's video platform, and OpenOLAT, the central learning management system. In addition, it is worth taking a look at our regularly updated higher education didactics and e-learning training programme, which is organised by the Quality in Academic Teaching Unit.

The Fit für die Lehre (Fit for Teaching, in German only) workshop held at the start of each semester is particularly relevant for newly appointed professors and is organised by the regional association for higher education evaluation (Hochschulevaluierungsverbund Südwest, HESW). The workshop provides a compact introduction to key teaching skills (basic principles of teaching in higher education), as well as an excellent opportunity to network with new professors from other universities of applied sciences in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Thema:You can find details of current training courses here:Contact point for staff training needs:
PanoptoTeaching, didactics & mediaE-Learning team in the Quality in Academic Teaching Unit
OpenOLATTeaching, didactics & mediaE-Learning team in the Quality in Academic Teaching Unit
Fit für die Lehre (Fit for Teaching) – academic teaching workshop for new professors at universities of applied sciencesTeaching, didactics & mediaHigher education didactics team in the Quality in Academic Teaching Unit

As a lecturer at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, you also have access (free of charge) to the HESW continuing education programme in higher education didactics and to e-learning training through the Virtueller Campus Rheinland-Pfalz (VCRP).

If you are a new professor or employee at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, we recommend that you visit the intranet page: New at the University. You will find everything you need to know to get you off to a good start at our university.


The QualiPROF programme provides individual professional development support for newly appointed professors, lecturers on the tandem programme and international lecturers who wish to enhance their professional profile and find further training options.