Dr. Sören Wallrodt
Room: A118
RheinAhrCampus Remagen

Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften

Logo: RheinAhrCampus Remagen
Joseph-Rovan-Allee 2
DE - 53424 Remagen

Dr. Sören Wallrodt

After graduating in Sport Science, Business Administration and Psychology at the Universities of Kiel and Göttingen, I spent several years working in the field of sports development and as a consultant for the accreditation and quality assurance of study programmes.
I have been working at the University of Applied Sciences Koblenz since 2016, mainly focusing on research projects in the field of sports management. However, I also like to deal with topics related to sports economics in my teaching. As far as research is concerned, I am particularly interested in the development of sports and sports facilities, the development of clubs and associations, and voluntary work in the field of sports. The research topics are primarily based on a statistical-quantitative approach.
I am currently also dealing with sports facility databases, geodata and dashboards while looking into how they can be used for data-based sports management. I would appreciate any contacts regarding these and other topics.
In my teaching I make use of e-learning content and flipped classroom concepts . This has led to the development of several OLAT courses that also incorporate SPSS learning videos. I attempt to connect the data analysis with data sets  relevant to sports management.


Publications in peer-reviewed journals

  • Thieme, L. & Wallrodt, S. Zur Mitgliederentwicklung im organisierten Sport und der Abschätzung von pandemiebedingten Folgen. Ger J Exerc Sport Res (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12662-021-00758-y
  • Wallrodt, S. & Thieme, L. (2021). Expertise „Entwicklung einer Systematik anhand von Parametern zur digitalen bundesweiten Erfassung von Sportstätten“.Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft.
  • Thieme, L., Wallrodt, S. (2020). Helfen Kennzahlen weiter?. Ger J Exerc Sport Res50, 33–50.
  • Wallrodt, S. & Thieme, L. (2019). The role of sports volunteering as a signal in the job application process. European Sport Management Quarterly.
  • Thieme, L., Wallrodt, S. (2018) Bildung und Ehrenamt: Zum Einfluss von Motiven auf Investitionen in Lizenzerwerb und Lizenzverlängerung bei Übungsleitern. Ger J Exerc Sport Res48, 544–559.
  • Thieme, L., Liebetreu, T. & Wallrodt, S. Gewinnung und Bindung von Vorständen im Sportverein. Ger J Exerc Sport Res47, 133–148 (2017).
  • https://doi.org/10.1007/s12662-017-0444-5
  • Thieme, L. & Wallrodt, S. (2022). Schätzverfahren zu Deutschen Sportstätten. In Kompendium Sportplatz 2022.
  • Wallrodt, S. & Thieme, L. (2021). Expertise „Entwicklung einer Systematik anhand von Parametern zur digitalen bundesweiten Erfassung von Sportstätten“.Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft.